Communicating God's Word
Nick is an effective and engaging communicator who helps people understand the gospel in a way they can apply it to their lives, no matter where they are in their spiritual journey.
Teaching that equips, encourages, and changes lives.
Nick can speak at your church, ministry event, or marriage event.
Church Services

Nick will encourage your congregation with a relevant biblical message.

Ministry Events
Bring a NASCAR chaplain to your ministry event for a special and exciting message.
Nick offers a marriage message or an all day marriage workshop with Amy.
Marriage Events
Statement of Faith
I believe in one God, who exists in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three are coequal and coeternal. Jesus was both fully God and fully man and gave His life on the cross to reconcile people back to God by faith. I believe the Bible is God’s authoritative, inerrant, perfect word. Human beings were created in the image of God but are sinners and in need of the Savior, Jesus. Salvation comes through Christ alone and is a gift from God that is received by faith.
Schedule Nick

Prices and honorariums vary based on time and location. Contact Nick for more information.
Nick is with the racing community 24 weekends a year. Contact Nick to check availability.
"When I listen to Nick teach or preach, you can hear the genuine love for God and people. He has a way to connect with people on a level that’s relevant in today’s world yet always keeping it based on what God tells us."
Derek Bohlen

"Nick’s confident and humble delivery of the Good News has impacted my family’s life in many ways. Nick and Amy both have been consistent voices of truth into our marriage and our journey of raising kids."
Corey Lajoie